Our Focus of Problems and Issues

Our focus issues and problems target education, health, employment and empowerment. Therefore, supporting basic education for children and beyond them; reproductive health and emerging health issues that critically affect large population; youth unemployment; and women, girls and youth empowerment.

Why our issues are important and visitors should care about

  • We care for the future of our children and generation. Children must grow with adequate parental care and get useful preschool education that will help them succeed in life.
  • Women and girls have special health issue, reproductive health. They have less access and opportunity to get the service.
  • Unemployment is a serious problem for the youth in Ethiopia. Unemployment has been a cause for unrest, poverty and mental illnesses.
  • Empowerment of various types is required for the women, girls and youth to get self-confidence, get skills, and lead their life.



Book donated to KK sub city woreda 7 public library by BDO on march20, 2021.

On 3/15/2021, BDO has donated reference and student text books to woreda 05 public library in Kolfe Keranio sub city. The books were collected from out of school students by volunteers. Here you are viewing sample being handed over.

Clothes collected through volunteers being donated to an orphanage – Mahiber Tesfa Orphange in woreda 13/14 of KK sub city